Friday, November 30, 2007
I bought the Tinkerbell wall stick ons that I promised Katlyn and will get those up this weekend some time. and of course we went in the baby section to look stuff over! didnt end up buying anything! LMBO! the sales werent good enough yet and I didnt see any pacis that I wanted (for the right price!) so we'll keep our eyes out and find something later. we did see some cute Princess fleece that would make a nice blanket though. ;)
home afterwards! I'd had a headache creep up on me during the day and was itching to just veg for a while. K went to my neighbors (she wanted to tell her friend and I got to tell Regina that she was wrong this time cause she'd guessed boy! she was VERY happy to be wrong!), G went down for a long nap and the boys watched Voltron.
dh got home around 4:30 today! he's got to do a short inspection on a job tomorrow but besides that is off for the rest of the weekend. looks like K and I will have no problem going to the ballet tomorrow night!
I'm seriously running out of room to eat. It really does amaze me at how little I can eat already! my supper was one piece of pizza, shared some jalapeño tater tots with dh and my drink. I'm usually at least a 3 pc of pizza person, plus my salad and drink! I was seriously stuffed when I got done and never ate anything else the rest of the night, just my water I'm guzzling on now.
oh, Baby girl had the hiccups this morning!!! it was so cute. I love baby hiccups. and I love feeling her little fingers tickling me on the inside. it makes me think of when I seen her on the u/s and she kept rubbing the top of her little head and wiggling her fingers as she stretched.
I also started my u/s page today. hopefully I'll get it done this weekend, but I got my diecut finished and my pics printed at least!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
more stuff from me just chattering away!
when C got home I asked him if he got his note and he said his math teacher had read it (cause it wasnt folded up like I left it :hmmm: ) and she said in front of the whole class "well congratulations Canaan!" he said "why?!" "cause you've got a baby sister on the way!"
then of course questions ensued about how many brothers and sisters he had and lots of 'wha?' and 'wow!' of course. LOL! he was so happy though!
and K is still riding cloud 9. she made a little sign on my scrap desk that reads "its a girl!" and there's a post it note on my monitor here that also says "its a girl" with little hearts all over it. she is SO happy!
I got calls from my big sis, my little sis, a lady at church (who's due a month ahead of me) and someone else I guess is from church, but only seen the #, not the name. PLUS when I read my phone messages today I got a really neat call. anyone remember back at the yard sale I stopped at and the lady of twin girls gave me the maternity stuff and let me pick some girl clothes? well, she had left a message today while I was out saying she had some boys 3T stuff and wanted to know if I wanted it or someone to give away to! (yep, I'll take it for G and Landon!) so when I call her back, I'm going to mention that we found we're having a girl! maybe she still has some of those little clothes left? I only picked a few I really liked cause I didnt want to seem greedy without knowing the gender LOL!! so who knows! I'd been thinking of stopping by her house after finding out who baby is anyway, so that was just a bit on the weird side of things to get a message from her on today of all days! LMBO!
dh didnt tell FIL tonight when he talked to him (not surprised) but when I talk to him next I'll let him know. he'll probably say something like "its about time" or such. LOL
and for other news I forgot to post about the u/s:
baby girls h/b was 156bpm today. she kept her arms snuggled up about her face the entire time, we watched her wiggling her fingers and rubbing her head (so sweet!!). her little bladder was full (just like mommy!) as was her tummy.
my placenta is on my left side though, NOT anterior like I figured it must be. she's just a mellow baby, not an acrobat (yet) like her brothers have been! (its been way to long for me to remember how K was in utero). she went from head down to transverse during the u/s, though she wasnt actually awake. she pretty much slept the entire time, just wiggled around a little.
all my stats were good, no weight gain at all this month, so still a 10 lb total gain so far *whew*, BP I forgot to write down cause I was such a chatterbox after the u/s LOL, but it was something like 150's over 52 or something ? I'll have to get the # the next time I go in. it wasnt like my norm, maybe from the excitement and also me having not eaten yet. ??
everyone got to hear little girls h/b when we went in to see the dr and he measured my belly for the first time (though I didnt ask what he got *duh!*, guess I can do it myself).
I feel like half my tummy is gone already. when we ate I got a 3 mini burger plate (3 krystal like burgers with fries). I could barely eat 2 of the burgers and most of my fries. this could be good though, keeps me from stuffing myself like crazy! LOL!!
names: I have NO idea now!! LOL!! being faced with actually picking one now I'm like opening a door I've not gotten to visit in a LONG time! so I'll start pouring over my book and see what everyone brings up!
we dont use more traditional names really (if you cant tell LOL!!) plus I'd like to avoid another "G" name since we have two (not counting me who gets called Gina most often). my mom wants me to use Mary, but I know to use it, I'll have to find a variation or combine it with something else (mari-faith?) so we'll see how that goes.
oh, my mom said she was just kidding about naming her Seven. LMBO! which is good cause that one was a no-go!
I also couldnt resist going through the little tub of stuff I'd been putting back through the yard sale season. dug out the few boys things I'd picked up and seen what kind of girl stuff I had. the box has stuff from preemie to 3T. not a bad start and that does include sleepers. I know I've got a few other things in the closet in Ks room, its a small tub like the one I went through, though it also has more boy stuff that I kept back from Garrett, so I'll get to sort those out to find someone to pass them on to!
gosh, its a GREAT thing its not yard sale season anymore cause I'd have a REALLY hard time being out tomorrow and not trying to find stuff!! ROFLOL!!
ok, my brain is quickly going to sleep cause I keep having to backspace and fix my typos! going to post and go to bed!
got the news! Itty Bitty is...
he had come in asking me "are you nervous? are you excited? are you scared?" (yes yes no) LOL!)
I couldnt even eat breakfast this morning I was so nervous (when I have tons of butterflies in my tummy it always sends me to the potty :blush: ) we left on time and actually got there about 20 minutes early. not really a good thing on u/s day cause I knew I'd have to wait. LOL! and I DID have to wait, dang 30 extra minutes! LMBO! but I knew I could empty the bladder jug and it'd refill easily, so I wasnt that uncomfy, just antsy!!!!
so we got in there and the u/s tech was really nice (seen her plenty of times before) and I told her that we'd like to know who baby is if they cooperated! she said 'that shouldnt be a problem!' :D I had HUGE butterflies in my tummy and my h/b was thumping SO luoud in my chest! :lol: as she scanned over baby I thought I seen something, but didnt want to make any guesses til she got a good shot, so I waited.
oh, I should say that only Sis was in the room with me. my mom and the boys were out in the waiting room and Sissy was on the cell phone telling mom everything as we found it. "there's the face, a little arm, a leg, a femur (K: what's that? LOL)..." and mom can be heard saying 'tell her to hurry up and find the goods!' LMBO!
so very soon after that, the tech says "there it is!" I asked "are you sure?" "yep!"
.... what do you ladies think of the name Ryker Xavier? I think it'd fit in well with the group of names we already have. kinda unique but not too out there, KWIM? its been my top pick for a boy the whole time, though I've not even asked Robert about it yet.
I didnt get to buy anything from walmart for baby, too much in a hurry cause mom had to get to a job today (pout) but that's ok. I had something here that I was saving JIC and it'll do just fine as a first toy. I'm going to use this to take baby's monthly pics with after they're born! I love it! wanna take a peek?
but my mom doesnt like the name Ryker, well at least she gave a funny face when I mentioned it. (not her choice though huh? hehe)
but alas, it doesnt really matter anyway...
because we're finally having another GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the first pics of the newest member of our family:
My circle IS complete!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
please, someone vote!!!
over there. PLEASE someone vote so that it'll be an even 40??? LOL!!!
various pics!
Monday, November 26, 2007
we've mostly hung out family wise. saturday after a short stint in town we came home and I spent a few hours cleaning out Katlyn's room. *ugh!* I took out two bags of trash and 8 bags of things to go to goodwill and a couple things I'm taking to cosignment at least. looks much better in there though, at least its walkable now!
been working on a pair of baby booties! got the first one done except the lace and tassles, working on the 2nd one now. need to get another blunt large needle so I can sew a lot quicker than just using my smaller crochet hook to pull the yarn through on projects like these. LOL! but it gets done and I'm tickled silly with it!! I'll post pics when I'm done.
plans for today arent much. I've got a PO shop to do at some point this week. trying to decide when I want to go.
3 days til U/S !!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
who's a nut? I'm a nut!
so I swung by TRU cause they had a $10 MP3 player I wanted to check out. no luck of course and the lines were CRAZY. seriously, every single checkout line was backed up all the way to the back of the store! needless to say I didnt buy anything from there!
so then I went to best buy. I wanted that Nintendo DS bundle pack. when I got there I had to wait in line to get in! there were only about 25 people waiting, but they'd only let them in a few at a time as some people left the store. it wasnt so bad, I think I waited like 10 minutes.
so I get in the store to find out the bundle packs are a ticketed item and there were no tickets left, of course (this at 6:20 am), so I just got K a pink DS and we'll get games as we can and when dh gets his bonus. also went ahead and got another MP3 player, just like the black one I got C last week, only this one is red, for $35! (wish I'd known for sure they'd have it today or I'd have waited.) so I got that one for Gavin and will let dh take the CD player I'd originally gotten him (dh wants to take his language CDs with him while he's out of town). so Gavin will be super excited about that and I wont have to burn off CDs all the time. got 2 yr coverage on both items there.
after that, headed back to my town, stopped at hardees for breakfast and then to walmart. it was after 7 by now (yeah, got through best buy really quick, even checkout!) and walmart was a breeze! course they didnt have the transformers I was hoping to scope out, but did get a DS protector pack for K's gift (screen protectors, etc. for $7), a new DUO card for C's PSP for $20 and some stocking stuffers for the kids and found they had Corelle on sale for $17! so I bought a box of that that goes well with the one 4 pc set I already have. (I also have a set of stoneware, but its history now, read on).
so finally headed home after waiting for the bank to open at 8:30. I was SO tired, but I've not napped today and am quickly heading to bed in a bit LOL!
so after I get home, dh and C head in to town cause he wants to see what Lowe's has going on. he didnt find anything though and they were back later with nothing (imagine that!).
well, while they were out, FIL called to give me some $ for the month (woo!!!) so I had to go BACK in town after dh got home to put that in the bank (which worked out perfectly cause I thought I was going to have to pull out some of our extra cash to cover what I already bought today). while in town, I went ahead and got the grocery shopping done. BACK to walmart! LMBO!!! this time I spotted their robes they had on sale for $10. I got a pink one for K cause sh'es always stealing MY robes! and got some sharpies for C for a stocking stuffer cause he loves using those to draw with.
while I was there I ran into my brother and SIL, a homeschool friend, our renters and another friend. LOL! normally I dont see people I know!
I got home around 4:30 from that.
and get this, after I got home, dh realized he needed to go BACK in town to return a movie that was due today/yesterday (they werent open yesterday though). so of course he ended up renting a game for C and another movie (that man can spend a ton of $ at the movie store!). dinner was ham sandwiches for the boys and I snacked on summer sausage with cheese and wheat thins (as did Garrett).
I'm hoping tomorrow is boring! LMBO!!
new topic heading!
I have of course skipped a few days, but overall, I'm happy with myself for remembering to do it longer than a week!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am still stuffed! I think the only bad thing about being pg during
Thanksgiving is that you cant eat as much as normal. I tried though (but
failed) but still came out glad knowing my dr appt is NOT tomorrow! I
dont think I'll weigh myself in the morning either, will save that one
for a couple days, let stuff digest. hehe!
dinner was great! its a really good thing I dont eat like that every
day! the turkey was soooooooooo juicy! gosh, I could go on about
everything, but I wont, needless to say it was all worth the work!
got pics, but havnet resized any yet. hopefully sometime tomorrow. still
not decided if I"ll go to walmart in the morning. thinking of it, but
the one deal I *really* want, I have to go to Best Buy and get. I sure
dont want to go there in the morning. I may see if the bundle I want
(Nintendo DS) I can get OL at the time. (they have the same bundle at
walmart, but at BB it also includes an extra game plus a starter kit AND
I can get the 2 yr warranty).
after getting home around 7 tonight, we watched Die Hard (the new one).
dh also rented Evan Almighty and one other movie for the weekend.
K is going to her friend Dana's tomorrow morning for the night. she's
very happy about that, been a while since she got to stay with someone.
besides my possible shopping, not sure what I'll have planned for the
day. its going to be crazy cold out though, so I know it wont be hanging
out at the pool!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
proud of him. remember at the first report he had 2 or 3 uber F's on
there (talking 20's and such) well, now he brought the math grade up
from a 24 to a 77 (still has another paper to get graded in that score
as well). the science I dont know about yet cause the teacher has been
going back and forth to China for adoption and the subs dont know how to
input the stuff on the puter. but from the website its a good passing
grade. he has 3 As (PE, ART and Real World Math) a B in Math Strategies
(its an 89, so almost an A) and in Social Studies, (and dont ask me why
there are 3 math classes-all taught by the same teacher in the same
period that give 3 seperate grades)
his only known F right now is in Language where he failed a test and is
missing 3 of his accelerated reader tests. he can still turn those in
though before the end of the quarter so hopefully with those the grade
will come up to a passing (its a 50 right now).
so all the kids are home for the long weekend. it'll be interesting
cause C likes to pick on everyone. makes me remember why I stuck him in
I'm going to get started on what I'm fixing for tomorrow today. on my
list is making the green bean mixture for the green bean casserole,
cooking up my sweet taters, making chocolate covered pretzels with nuts,
making two pies and boiling up a LOT of eggs for deviled eggs. but first
we have to go in town. *grrr* I didnt want to go in til friday. :P
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
waking me up before he leaves to ask if he can take his PSP to school
with him (so he can listen to music). I've told him at least 10 times
that NO, he's not taking that to school, at all! but he STILL insists on
waking me to ask! so when he's in today I'm warning him that if he asks
me once more, the PSP will be taken away for a month. cause of course I
cant get back to sleep once he wakes me up like that. little turd. I'll
let him take the MP3 player after Christmas, after all, its only about
$50 where the PSP is $150. ($50 is still a lot to me, but much more
managable if something were to happen to it.)
otherwise, boring day. I'm letting the kids play outside while its still
nice and G is finishing up his juice before he goes out. later I'll have
the kids make hand turkeys for Thursday.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I did let him go outside on his own today. all the cats (I have 6 outside) were fine with him except for Spongebob. he's our alpha male and is such a butt. we have one other male cat outside (the gay cat, remember?) and he's fine with him, but he was giving Sonny a hard time of course. Sonny ended up hanging out under the porch mostly but wouldnt come back in when I offered it to him. I went out tonight to find him cause its going to be in teh upper 20's and the other cats have nice thick fur coats, plus know the warm places and all stay huddled up like a big ol heard of sheep together, but he was on his own. he finally came up and he's in tonight. I'll let him go back out tomorrow during the day.
So I'll pick up Thomas tomorrow. he's the BIG male Garfield type cat. I asked dh his opinion and he wanted him over the younger female mom has (that's so pretty) cause Thomas is very laid back and would most likely ignore the baby where a kitten would be more curious. very true.
(though dh was saying babies in that sentence)
took the kids to captain d's tonight for dinner since its kids night. they loved that of course and everyone got to fill up for $15, which is such a deal!
dh will be home tomorrow finally!
and funny Garrett stuff. over the past month or so, he's gotten very jealous of anyone else that loves on me. no matter who it is, dh, siblings, etc, he throws a FIT at them and tries to get them off me. we go through this every night when C is giving me kisses before bed. he'll come up and hug me and if I'm holding G, G will start pushing C's face away or batting at his arms around me (same for dh too LOL) and hollering up a storm! if I'm not holding him, he's at my legs, pushing the hugger away and hollering his displeasure. sooooooooooo funny!
he also loves belly buttons. if he sees a shirt he can get to, he has to inspect for a belly button. C is his favorite candidate (can you tell who he plays with the most?) and tonight while exploring for a belly button, he gave C raspberries on the belly too.
and the other day when my mom and pop were picking up that old recliner to take away? OMGosh!! Garrett threw the AWFULLEST fit imaginable!! he was in a total hissy because they were taking that chair!!!!!! we were all cracking up cause it was so hysterical/comical that he'd do that! I really wish I had a video camera for that one. you'd thought we'd told him he could never have a paci again!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
postcards for soldiers!
If you go to this web site, , you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services.
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! Please send a card!!
It is FREE and it only takes a second and please forward to your friends.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
after and in between laundry loads, I got the wood finish for the water heater closet stained and while I had the stain out, went ahead and did the kitchen window and the boys windows. they've been waiting to get stain on them for like 2 years I think. but the coolest thing is that while I was crawled up on the kitchen counter all scrunched up, Itty Bitty let me know they didnt like the cramped quarters and kicked me squarely in the gut! that was the biggest kick I"ve gotten so far!
so getting things fairly organized (but unfortunately not really cleaned up around here) Canaan gets off the bus about 4:15 to tell me that he has to build a pyramid and have it in by the morning! this falls under the category of laziness on his part. this is actually an assignment that he had and was due on the 9th!!!! the teacher being good as she is, is still letting him turn it in. of course with having only about 5 hours I had to do most of the brainstorming and work. its done though and he better not forget to take it in tomorrow! course after it was all done, he says "you need to teach me how to use all that stuff (hot glue gun, etc) and I said well if you'd give me more than a nights notice I would!
that stuff was part of a parent/kid lecture last night.
so tonight we also had the homeschool meeting in the midst of all this. we had to leave at 5:45 and got back about 9.
Garrett was a grouchy butt this afternoon, even with taking a nice long 3 hour nap today. glad to see him go to bed. LOL!
now my dad is on IM and has 4 different windows open on purpose! he's such a nut! LOL
update to previous post
Although the Walter Reed Army Medical Center is not accepting holiday cards for recovering soldiers, the American Red Cross has said that small gifts may be sent to patients in that facility through them:
The Walter Reed Army Medical Center is ONLY accepting phone cards, CDs, individual small packets of candy, things like that; which they will distribute among the soldiers (as they have a lot of in and out patients). They are not accepting Holiday Cards, as they don't have the human resources to distribute them.
You may send your packets to:
American Red Cross
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20307-5000
Christmas cards for soldiers!
This request came from the wife of one of our heroic vets...
When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to
this address. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of
how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so
much would get.
A Great Idea!!!
When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please
include the following:
A Recovering American soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington , D.C. 20307-5001
If you approve of the idea, please pass it on to your e-mail list.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
barf! (literally)
if I toss my cookies its got to be bad! when the whole family was doing it last time, I was the only one not too. seriously, I've got a cast iron tummy.
not so tonight. ugh. I wonder if this is from what the kids were passing around?
DANG, yakking is so GROSS!!!
and as I was waiting for this to happen, I was talking to God saying "I know that I said I'd be happy to toss my cookies once if this is a girl, but what about just feeling like I'm going to toss my cookies???" ha, not good enough!
so I've officially barfed for the first time in a pg since Katlyn. yeeha, I feel special. (now to get this NASTY taste out of my mouth without causing a chain reaction!!!)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
G got sick again last night after putting him to bed. I think it was
cause I let him have some chocolate milk after dinner. cause that's all
he tossed up. we had pasta alredo for dinner (daddy had soup/sandwiches)
and he ate well and kept it all in his tummy. so we'll hold off on milk
for another day or two til his tummy is all better.
we have story hour today at the library, but I think we'll stay home to
get some school work done. we'll try to go back next week.
we got frost today and the kids are out checking it out.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
[Fwd: invasion of privacy]
Enter a cell phone number and (nearly) immediately zero in on its location.
Monday, November 05, 2007
K and C are *supposed* to be staying with my sis tonight, but now I'm not sure. they just got over the crud (the reason why they didnt come to the weenie roast the other night) so I'd hate to send something back over to them. :-( aggravating.
still working on getting laundry done. I slacked off on the boys things by the end of the week, so still have a LOT of their dirty stuff to get washed and summer stuff sorted out. have got all of G's stuff done though. set aside things he's outgrown or wont be able to wear next warm season and will wait on what to do with that when we find out who's growing in my belly.
my brother and SIL started moving into their new house yesterday! its really nice and I'm very happy for them! its a 3bd 2 bath brick with a good sized yard (maybe 1/4 or 1/8 an acre?) good sized LR, decent sized kitchen and a utility room and a carport. so much bigger than the place they're moving from and in wonderful condition!!. they're only repainting one room (Landon's) and the rest of the house is done in neutrals (Landon's room is a bright green right now).
makes me want to start fresh in my house!
Sonny did better last night, he only woke me twice instead of several times. hopefully he's getting used to the place. he's resting on the table by my puter now. earlier he was on top of the dryer while I was folding clothes. he's very personable.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
dh got home this afternoon from GA. he's working around home this week, so we'll see him every night! it'll be a nice change from the past month.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
the kids played basketball, romped around, ate like crazy, had hot cocoa, and went on a super long hay ride. we left about 8:15 cause dh had to go to bed to be up at 3:30 this morning to go out of town til sunday evening. (boo-hiss) so all the older kids stayed with my mom while dh, me and G went home.
mom and papaw brought the kids home this morning (C stayed with them though). we had planned on going to a Veteran's Day outing they have every year, but the paper gave the wrong date (the 10th) and its actually today. so by the time they got home, it was too late. so we're just hanging out at home for the day.
G's been in fine form today. I've already had to rescue him from several situations, including getting him out from under the playdoh box he pulled down off the shelf on top of himself. I smashed my index finger moving the barstool out of the way. *ouch!!*
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
16 wk dr visit
my stats go as follows: BP 115/64 (nurse was saying "that's kinda low, so if you feel light-headed...." to which I told her its actually kinda high for me.). heartrate was 105 (which is high, guess I'm running faster than norm this pg) and weight is up 5 lbs. so that's a 10 lb gain total so far. geez, no wonder I feel huge.
I got my blood work done. easy schmeasy, though I did ask if she needed a dozen vials.
got my next appt set up! Nov. 29 at 9:45 I'll get to see Itty Bitty!!
the dr. today was searching for IB and finally found them way down low hanging out. well, he kept getting two different h/b sounds!
after that, stopped and finally got dh's car inspected and got his real tags, stopped for lunch and then back to moms. tried to take a nap as I was pooped at that point, but no go cause the kids kept waking me up for mundane things and then G woke up.
once we were back home, I started cleaning up the kitchen, mainly the floor, then got vacuuming done and finally the kids bathroom (double yuck ).
I think we'll just have soup/sandwiches tonight. dh said that's what he wants all next week to help with losing some of the weight he gained while out of town (they tend to eat out a lot) so I'll just start a bit early.