Wednesday, August 20, 2008


so yesterday was a whirlwind, I tried to get on here and post last night before bed, but little miss wouldnt have it, so I logged off.

let's see, dh's check came in on wednesday afternoon, so we went ahead and did our banking yesterday and the grocery getting. that took a good half day there (takes just as long with dh going with me as it does with all the kids LOL)
so yesterday G woke up and had a low grade fever of 100.3 adn still had spots, though not terribly bad, but no where near clear. he stayed the same throughout the day on us but he was acting totally normal! that was a good thing since he wanted to eat again and was playing, being rowdy.
Hunter was feeling better, but still had a slight fever, but he never got sick again after that one time the night before.
so while at walmart, when we started out, G had a few welts on his right side of his face and little places in other spots like his arms/legs. we were in Wmart about 20 minutes and by that time, the whole left side of his face was swollen and welted up, his inner thighs were welted, and all of his forearms and calves! he looked red and swollen everywhere!!!!! it was totally freakign me out and I was getting really scared (though he was still acting normal!)
so we called our local dr to see if we could get him in asap and they told us to come on in! dh ended up taking him cause of the time, the kids were due off the bus soon, I had cold food to put up and S had been in meltdown mode from being in her carseat too long.
they got them in as soon as they got there (as a note, dh said when he walked in, a lady gasped "HE'S GOT THE MUMPS!" and everyone was freaking out, then another said "no, its poison ivy!" adn the head nurse brushed them off saying it wasnt any of that! he had them in panic mode! LMBO!). she took them back to a waiting room that had mirrors and Garrett got to see himself, poor little guy. dh said he looked at himself, touched his face while looking very confused for the longest time and asked daddy "my face?" awwwwwww! he knew something was wrong!
so the dr seen him w/in minutes and after the quick questions on allergenic foods, knew he was just fighting off an infection. the same infection that C had brought from school last weekend, but it was effecting Garrett differently cause of his age/size. dr said the welting was the white blood cells attacking the areas taht the infection was at. which explains why it never stayed in teh same places and could look totally different w/in 20 minutes.
he ordered him put on Zyrtec and a cortizone liquid the next 3 days and to continue the Zyrtec for a couple days after its cleared. he told us it could actually come back or it may never come back.
today though he looks so much better. he still has some red spots, but he's not welted up like a pufferfish has had ahold of him! plus no fever at all (same for hunter).

so there ya have it!

plus the kids had soccer practice last night and tonight C and K have a game and pics and tomorrow morning Gavin has another game.
throw homework into that and just every day stuff and its been a bit crazy around here!

oh, got to update on dh's knee! at his last PT wednesday, the dr said he's not allowed to go any farther yet. even though he has 75% range of motion, he wants him to slow down and just do the exercises he's been doing to give it more time to heal. pushing too hard too fast can set him back a lot and dr is very strict on his 'rules' but dh is ahead of schedule which is great! he's a bit aggravated though since he cant go farther yet. next week he only has one day of PT (wed) and then another evaluation.
the funny thing is the Comp insurance company! they've called to see if there is any light duty work he could do at the shop... um NOOOOOOO! they even called the shop to see if there was! they basically shook their head at them. goofballs. even the dr isnt letting him even think of work til 9-29!

hmmm... trying to think of anything else...

OH Sarina is 4 months old today!!! I was told today "she's so big!" LMBO! what a change from a month ago!! LOL!! still need to get pics of her today.

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