Friday, June 30, 2006
2 wk check +
GC had his 2 week appt today! he did great, though he didn't like the naked times as expected. lol!
he's now 8.3 1/2 lbs, 22", head is 14 1/2". dr said he's a 'perfect baby', doing all he should just like he should. everything looked great. he'll go back at 2 months and will start his immunizations then.
I do have pics from today, first time I remembered to take a cam w/ me.
C and K had a great time at the rainforest cafe tonight. C tried to get out of going, but we wouldn't let him, and he's glad he went!
I let them take their camera, but K forgot to take it in.
GC got his first booboos tonight too. I'd dug out the ol' bouncy seat from under the boys bed and cleaned it up for him. didn't figure he'd actually care for it though, since he's not big in his swing yet,or laying down when not tired. he does like it though, was able to put him in it twice and get some stuff done. well, the 2nd time I was putting some other crib toys in his bed while he was in it. he started fussing and cassie came over to check him out (the calico), and she smacked his hand that he was waving around. so he's got 5 little scratches on his right hand. cassie has been evicted of course.
ok, thats taken @ an hour, gotta change another poopy!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
out n about
got my walmarting done today. mom met us there so wasn't so bad. had to put GC in the sling tho cause he was tired and he refuses to go to sleep w/ out some sort of snuggling.
he did well tho, no complaints!
tomorrow will be full. seems C is to be at the batting cages @ 11, so I'll take him there, to the dr by 1:30, back by 3 for mom and to get C & K ready for their trip to Nashville at 4:30. we'll pick them up @ 9:30, or maybe daddy will
oh, todays weigh in: 158.5!! 1/2 lb under pre-pg!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Mr.. fussy is sleeping on my chest right now. I think he's in a growing spurt cause he's wanting to feed all the time. another bath today again proves his temper was mightier. LOL!
oh, outside today, the kids were in the pool, so I pulled off G2's socks and put his feet in (it was warmed up by then) and he had a freak moment! :lol: ok, no water baby here!
he's still not much on his swing. all the other kids loved it. he's gonna be the odd ball. :)
got more pics today, but will hopefully post tomorrow.
oh, found that we do still owe $266 on the house ins. they just never sent any more bills on it. :rolleyes: great.
I'm going to try to get my wal-marting done tomorrow during ball practice. maybe. eek! it'd just be me and the 4 youngest.
then Friday is the dr appt, I don't know if my mom will be able to go or not due to a wedding rehearsal dinner for my step-bro. that will be interesting. dr office always is. plus I'm going to see @ getting G's 5 yr shots while we're there. joy.
I may come out of there a bit balder!
got a cute baby package from some cousins today. had pooh bear stuff and more, which I call G2 'pooh bear' all the time, so it fits! :)
ok, gonna get babe and me to bed for some zz's!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Garrett- the welcome story!
(((((((((( Blessed is best Update: Garrett- the welcome story! ))))))))))
Garrett Connor Pierce
8.59 lbs, 21 ¾”
What a long week it was waiting for my body to make its move. Regular contrax would start up, then quit several times over the week. I even had my membranes swept 4 times total by the time I went to the hospital. You were just determined to hang out in there for as long as you could before getting evicted!Finally on June 16, my final Dr. check and sweep, Dr. P told me that if I didn’t go in labor on my own by that night, to call up to the hospital the next morning to check room status and could then come on in and we’d get you out. I’d gone from a ‘tight 4 cm & 60% thin’ on Tuesday, to a ‘loose 4 cm & 70% thinned’ Friday. Yay!
On the 16th, your Papa Jim went ahead and came down, just in case you did decide to come that day so he wouldn’t miss the action this time. So he took all of us out for a good dinner at Cracker Barrel. There was me, all your brothers and sister and your Mamaw. We enjoyed the time together with everyone, hoping Friday would be the day, but it wasn’t to be. I had some regular contrax off and on, but nothing compared to before. It was disappointing to me because I was worried about having to be put on Pitocin to move you down. You kept switching from floating to -3 station, and the Dr. wanted you engaged enough for it to be safe to just break my water without complications of a cord prolapse again, as I had with your brother, Hunter.
So, after a very restless sleep… ok, heck mommy hardly slept at all that night! We got up around 7 and made a call to the hospital to see how many rooms were free. The funny thing was when I called, the nurses were expecting me! “Is this Regina?” LOL! It took a while to gather everyone up, and Daddy decided he wanted cinnamon rolls before we left, so mommy fixed those for everyone and had myself a biscuit with jelly. It was all I could get down, I was so nervous! Afterwards, we got our stuff together for our trip to the L&D and our meeting with you!
Once there, it was just a matter of getting our paperwork since I was pre-registered and finding our way upstairs. The nurses were smiling and waiting on me when we came in, saying Dr. P was still on the floor, waiting for me and wouldn’t leave till I delivered. LOL! I think he was scared after those last few fast deliveries I’d had. LOL!
We got in our room at 9:27 am and were quickly put into action. None of this ‘taking an hour to get stuff done’ this time. Nope, I was gowned and in bed with Dr. P there to break my water at about 9:45 am!
No Pitocin needed, the nurse pushed you down to keep you steady on my cervix and out came the water… well, some of it. The rest would come later. After the water break, they tried putting a head scalp monitor on you about 5 different times, but no go. It kept getting put either on the left over waterbag or on the cervix, so they finally gave up and just left the belly monitors on. Fine with me! That means I could get up if I wanted to! Woo hoo! I did get an IV put in, JIC, but I can handle that.
About an hour after the waterbreak, my contrax finally started to show some sort of pattern at 5-7 minutes apart, this is between 10:45-11 am. A cervix check showed I was now at a stretchy 5 cm. Dr. P is not going anywhere except the other two labor rooms and doesn’t trust me to not just be at 10 in an instant! LOL! My contractions are very gentle though and I’m sleeping through most everything since I didn't get much sleep during the night. Our visitors during this time are Daddy (who stayed in there with me except to get some lunch), Mamaw, Papaw, Papa Jim and all the siblings. The grandparents all take turns with the kids to keep them entertained (and out of trouble) by going with them around the hospital and riding the elevators and visiting the water fountain in one of the main lobbies.Throughout lunch, Dr. P delivers the two other babies that are on the floor. We get to hear the lady in the room next to us while she was pushing and her newborn’s cries! So sweet! But I’m still sleeping and laughing about everything and have even gotten up to walk for a while and go potty a couple of times with the Dr.s permission. He wont let me leave the room though, cause like I said, he didn't trust me to not go and deliver in the hallway! LOL!! But its fine, at least I’m able to get up and be in motion. Mamaw and Daddy get tickled at me cause I’m bouncing around the room, hoping to get you to put some pressure on the cervix and open it up some more!
Enough walking! I’m back in bed to sleep again and make a call to Rachael in Florida to let her know what’s going on so she can tell the journal buddies. Around 2:50 the nurse does another cervix check cause my contrax have started to get much closer, 2-3 minutes apart and I’m starting to have to breathe through them to stay comfortable. The nurse says I’m a stretchy 7 finally with a little cervix left. I start getting the shakes in my arms and tell her I can push with the next contraction if she wants me to! LOL! She quickly says NO and to let her finish getting the stuff set up and ready for delivery and to call the dr. over (he wouldn’t even go to the dr’s lounge cause he feared it was too far! LOL)
At this time I tell my mom that I want to turn over on my side. This means business! When I flip to my side that means the action is about to begin!At 3:10 pm the contractions have gotten to about 1 minute apart and I’m breathing hard and heavy through them. Daddy has come to my side and is holding my hand and Mamaw is behind me on the other side. I can feel you at the top of the birth canal now, time to move you out! I still have some cervix left, but I push against the pain and get rid of it, you are ready to come out!!
I can feel your head moving down and am thinking “DANG THAT HURTS!” LOL! And know that the faster I push you out, the faster it’ll stop hurting. Daddy and the Dr tell me to slow down though cause you’re coming down so fast after the first 2 pushes. I’m still on my side, so Daddy, Mamaw and the nurse help turn me to my back and get my legs in the stirrups. You’re already crowning at this point. A few quick deep breaths to help slow you down, but that doesn’t work for long cause when it’s push time, its push time! Two more good teeth-bearing pushes and out comes your head! Dr. P works on your shoulders and with a small push of help from me, you’re born at 3:25 pm and laid on my belly!!
You’re covered in vernix and have a cute little squeaky cry. Mommy is still shaking badly, even in my legs now, so cant keep hold of you well yet, but I enjoy looking at your little head and seeing you wiggle on my tummy.
Our cord cutters were to be Papa Jim and big brother Canaan, but Dr. P said “one cord, one cutter” *pout* so Papa let Canaan cut the cord and he got pics of it all. Canaan was nervous, worried that he’d hurt you, so we had to coax him to get the scissors to the cord and then to cut hard enough to get through it. He was proud of himself for doing such a great job and so were we!
After that you’re taken to be cleaned up in the little room next to me. Daddy and Mamaw go with you to get more pics. Daddy said you kept turning your head to his voice. On the scale you weighed 8.59 lbs (though for some reason, the hospital kept putting 8.55 lbs, but we’ve got it on picture that the first is correct!). Later we found out you weighed 21 ¾” long with a head of 14” (the smallest of all the boys!) and a chest of 13”. You’ve got big feet though so will have to grow into those and your hands. Daddy and Mamaw got your footprints on buttons for everyone to wear.
During this time, Mommy is getting cleaned up by the Dr. and delivering the placenta. Dr. P tells me I’ve got no rips or tears and everything looks good and will heal quickly. The placenta delivers easily with a little push and its all in tact. The Dr. then starts me on a low dose of Pitocin (which I actually never felt at the lowest dose), to make sure my uterus contracts as it should. (He’s a bit worried that it may get a bit lazy since I’ve had so many babies and he wants to make sure it does its job and goes back down to normal size).
Soon after Mamaw and Daddy come to tell me you look like your brother Hunter! When you are placed back in my arms, I get tickled cause you are peeking around at everything with one eye, the way your brother Gavin did after birth. LOL!
I see you have a lot of dark hair, just like Mommy guessed and told one of her friends, Naomi, before having you! All that hair is like your sister Katlyn and for good measure, those big feet are like your brother Canaan. LOL!
While in recovery, the family gets to come back and visit. When your brother Gavin comes back, his eyes are SO big and he’s so excited to see the “baby is out of mommy’s belly!” Everyone is happy to meet you and make over you and get tickled over your squeaks and grunts. You are loved!
Mommy won the record of your guesses too! While driving down, I asked Daddy how much he thought you’d weigh and how long you’d be. He said you’d be 8.5 lbs and 22 1/2 “ . During the labor, since it was taking its time, Daddy said you’d not pop out til 5:30! I was determined to beat that one! My guesses for you were 8.5 lbs, 22” and born at 3:30. HA! Way to go mom! Hehe!!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
thank you's
haven't gotten the story written yet, at my current rate it'll be a while. lol! but I was blessed w/ a very easy labor and a super fast (15 min) delivery.
G2 is doing well, my milk has really come in & he's taking to it great. he's got a painful latch though, so we're still working on that.
Monday, June 19, 2006
pics of garrett!
Momma to
Canaan '95, Katlyn '97, Gavin '00, Hunter '02
and our new addition Garrett 6-17-06
Friday, June 16, 2006
update after dr check
Thursday, June 15, 2006
mope mope
ah well. I'm at the point I think it'll take a miracle (or my water breaking) to get this kid out.
I have had 4 contrax since getting up today (woo) and I've only been up since 7. maybe they're moving closer together, but still, they're not much to manage through at all. but that means nothing for me considering my last labor...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
and it continues
still losing some gunk from yesterday off and on, still crampy off and on and contracting off and on. (all this off and on stuff, geez!) gets lots of pressure sometimes that hurts too.
dh took C to ball practice (glad I didn't have to go in town again). we went to Wal-Mart with mom and got some walking in, whatever good it did. but I did get stuff I needed to make it through past Friday if I'm not able to go to the grocery (please please PLEASE!!!!!!!!). plus some algae killer for the pool.
oh, we have a mouse in the house.
have I mentioned how grouchy I am today?
today's update
dh told me to "go weed-eat the yard, trim the hedges, get the push mower and finish the yard and trim the trees!" LOL!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
appt update
baby is measuring 37 weeks still, so dr is not 'at all' worried that he'll be a big baby, even if I go til next week. that does make me feel better since that's 2 dr opinions on it.
baby is sitting at -3 station (he kinda goes back and forth between floating and -3. dr. doesn't expect him to actually engage til labor starts).
I dropped 2 lbs again, which is good, so by the dr. I'm 188 and by home I'm 182, and since I've been keeping up with my weight from home from the start, it means I'll be able to maintain my goal of not going over 185 (ok, at least when I deliver
BP was 142/78 which is up for me but still in normal range.
he didn't offer a date today (dang it!!) but said if my body is ready, it'll go w/in 24 hrs after sweeping my membranes. if not, he expects me to go on my own within the week, no problem. guess we'll see on that.
so things are just 'normal' and waiting at the moment. hopefully the contrax that want to start up in the evening will decide to stay with me now! sheesh!!
oh, I did go ahead and install the carseat before leaving this morning.
Monday, June 12, 2006
1 day past edd
also starting to sort out a lot of the maternity stuff. I'll likely still wear some of it after baby gets here, just for comfort reasons and a lot of the newer stuff doesn't even 'look' like maternity, so that makes me feel better. A lot of it can go ahead and be packed up though, so that's what I'll work on some more while the kids are at VBS.
C is at a game, met daddy in town so he could take him on, then grabbed a couple sandwiches for the kids (I actually thought it was Tuesday, so went to order Sonic's 5 for $5 when they told me it was Monday.
so here by myself (gosh its quiet!). thinking about getting on the treadmill... though I really don't want to.
I've had some good contrax off and on all day. they've gotten to where they all wrap around from back to front and put lots of pressure downwards. all a good sign, but still don't think baby is engaged at this point.
oh, and remember my poison ivy place on my belly? well all that dry skin is now flaking off.
and the two oldest are doing well since getting back from camp. we had a couple of 'attitude issues' today that got straightened out really quick, but otherwise, fine.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
happy EDD
yes, I'm slightly bummed and quite the grouch most of the time right now.
church was good, afterwards went to hardees for lunch cause dh was in the middle of installing shelves at the baseball field. then the boys and I came back home for a nap. I got about an hour in at least, the boys are still sleeping on the couch.
waiting on my big kids to get back. they should be arriving any time. my mom is picking them up at the church (she's about 6 miles closer) and we'll pick them up at my moms. I'm sure they'll wonder where I am when they see mamaw there.
they'll also start bible school tonight right up the road here. Gavin is looking forward to it, keeps asking what time it is (starts at 6 pm) we'll be taking all the kids this week, so we'll have at least 2 1/2 hrs of quiet time each night.
I cant tell ya how bummed I am right now. *sigh* if I didn't have a history of BIG babies, I'd not be so stressed, but I know the longer we go, the bigger he gets. not that I cant get out another 10 lber, but the risks increase when they get that big, ya know? I just want him out and in my arms now.
miracles DO happen, right? (yes, I'd consider it a miracle to go into labor before my appt on Tuesday at this point.)
my ticker is funny, I'll read it to the little one so he gets the hint!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
kids are at camp and dinner at moms
I did pig on the mashed taters though, gosh, I love those things!
and thanks for the labor vibes. I sure hope they work! even if the kids dont make it back in time, I'd not complain one bit.
I'm feeling like I'm the last one to go again. which is rather silly cause there are lots of ladies still waiting in my p/g. but like robert said, even the last mommy cat gave birth to her kittens this past weekend!
and I have to say something on Gavin. LOL! he is SUCH a talker! which I knew this of course, but I think he saves most of his conversations for Katlyn cause they hang out together so much.
a funny moment tonight at moms, papaw Gary was finishing up some mowing with the push mower and theirs is hard to pull/crank. at one point he bellowed "WELL!" adn then cranked and it started. Gavin, ever the listener (so he can repeat) told me "you gotta say WELL to make it go!"
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
update on SIL! (and me!)
I actually sent this out yesterday, but my internet connection goofed, so it didn't get sent. (make sense? LOL)
they'll be home tomorrow morning!
as for me, at my appt today, I'm finally 3 cm and 50% and baby is measuring just below normal. BP was 121/74 and I'm actually down 2 lbs which the dr was glad to see cause of the fluid retention. I also had my membranes swept (again).
he offered to let me come in Thursday for induction, but I said no cause that's the day the two oldest go to church camp, so not a good day. then he offered Monday if I want it and if we decide on it I just gotta call by Thursday to let him know.
my next appt is on Tuesday the 13th, if I make it that far and we'll see how baby/I are doing and will set the day for sure. probably Thursday next week, at the latest Friday. :)
so the end is definitely in sight! wee!!
tried to send a pic, but here is the link to my flickr acct so you can see them all. :)
*update from this morning*
Finally at 8 a.m. this morning, June 5th, Landon Jase was born!
SIL did wonderfully, though I didnt get to stay the whole time (got home about 2:15 a.m. this morning). Mom said she never took the epi, but had a shot of demoral while I was there and a shot of nubain later in the morning.
she was on pit from about lunch yesterday through the whole time. I felt so much for her, seeing how much she was hurting by the time I was ready to go home. it's hard when its someone else going through it, but then again its nice not being the one going through it... yet.
Mom said he's got a lot of hair (like Tasha did at birth cause my brother was about bald LOL) and he's 8.6 3/4 lb and 21 1/2" long. much bigger than anyoen guessed!
*update from this afternoon*
the kids and I got to visit wtih Tasha and Landon this morning for a couple of hours. he's so pretty and perfect! :) sending a pic of my little nephew when we first seen him, still in the warmer. they're both doing well. Tasha is sore of course, but in much better spirits. ;)
for me, I go to the dr. first thing in the morning. hoping for good news!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
SIL is in labor!
I'm SO excited!!!!!!!