when checking out, unfortunately she was the only one checking (of course) so I had to go through her line. a couple of times during check out, she'd look back at my kids (who were checking all the gumball/toy machines LOL) and turn back going "sigh" really big.
*grrrr!!!* my kids were doing nothing bad, not even being noisy (until they found an unclaimed bouncy ball in a machine and came to tell me of their treasure). its like she has a disgust for kids or something! argh!!! and her fav expression (no matter HOW many times she asks if "all those kids are yours (mine)") is "OH LORD JESUS!". I think next time I'll happily mention that "yeah, he's one that blessed me!"
I just love your comeback!! It's perfect!
I just came across your blog ;) You're far more pleasant than myself, I'd have probably told her "it's a good thing that I have them and you don't then, right?" or something to that degree.
I get comments often with 4 so I can understand how the comments feel but at the end of the day when you're surrounded by your family, that is all that matters.
Congrats on your pregnancy!
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