Thursday, October 30, 2008


so I made it through tonight! woo! I'm so proud of myself
as soon as the kids got home off the bus, we got our gear together and headed out to kung fu class. after dropping the boys off (K went home with a friend today so they could TOT around her neighborhood) I went to pick up some clothes that were being given to us, so I got 2 diaper boxes of clothes there, along with a strawberry costume for Sarina (which is cool since we have none)
so back into town I go, enough time to sit in the truck and go through the boxes before class is over and to get H and Garrett into their power ranger costumes (the stretchy ones they play in-we just slipped them over their regular clothes LOL).
we left the truck at the dojo and walked up town to the square where they were doing trunk or treat for the city.
now, anyone that's been following me knows we usually go to our church for their fall fest and don't do costumes or anything, just go and play games, ride rides and get tons of candy. so this is actually the first year my kids have been to any type of TOT thing. (yes, *gasp* *shock* and all that stuff, but they've been fine and we've had tons of candy to prove it LMBO!)
so they were excited that we were doing this to say the least.
our town decided to do the TOT thing tonight instead of tomorrow (not sure why) so it seems ALL the surrounding counties came here for extra loot! omgosh, the square was packed-but I didn't know the half of it when we first walked up! LOL! so we came in and went through a few cars then went on to the main area that people were milling about and I just join in with the crowd (oops, I found out later that we actually cut "line" LOL), we walk around half the block and I see the block-long line still waiting to go through the square!!! *WTH?!* so I'm like "those people are waiting to get in here to the other side of the square??... oh no. we're so done!" so we pack up and head back to the dojo (about a 3 block walk).
we got a big bowl full of candy (K didn't share what she got, so that's just between the 3 boys LOL).
Gavin told me on the way back "mom, I'm not sure about this TOT stuff cause that's a whole lot of walking to do" LMBO
Garrett never would hold his bag to get candy... in fact the first time someone put a piece IN his bag, he snatched it back out and proceeded to gobble all he could while he had the bag!! I had to take it away eventually, but there's no telling how much he managed to stuff in his gullet. LOL!!!

I seen some friends up there, including the lady that gave us the clothes and it seems a LOT of people know Canaan. girls, I've got a popular boy on my hands cause all kinds of little girls were hollering "Canaan!!!!!!!!"
I took the 5 to captain ds afterwards (before the crowds came in!) then we went to pick up Sis and came home about 8:30 to hurry and get kids ready for bed. :P
this weekend will seem like half an empty house cause C and K will be staying with friends tomorrow, C has 2 parties to go to Saturday and Sunday he has play practice and we have church.
Robert comes home tomorrow night and I told him it'll probably be a quiet weekend...maybe! LOL!

but ugh, I feel like we're always running and the kids are never home. I'm in withdrawal. LOL

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

so Sarina had her appt with the ENT today. I had to be there just over an hour earlier than expected cause the doc had to leave the office. put me in a rush to get out of here, but we made it!
the office was SUPER nice! (speaking of the staff and doc) so that was a really good thing to walk into. they all just made over Sarina and her red hair. one of the nurses even took her to play with her after the appt while we were scheduling.
the doc is super sweet. he does see some tongue tie in her, not severe, but enough that he's worried about her speech later on or little things like the ability to lick ice cream cones and such (he even mentioned kissing LOL). so we'll be going on Nov. 19th for her out patient surgery. (and insert other various *nervous* smilies in here). we have to be there at 5:30 since she'll be the first surgery but its not til 7, but wont take any longer than 10 minutes to complete. she'll be sleeping, but breathing on her own the whole time, so will be able to go about her normal eating when she wakes up.
I called my dad to see if he could go with us, so he's going to be here at the house when we're ready to leave (about 4:30 am) and will hang out with us that day. H and Garrett will just stay the night with my mom on Tuesday so they wont have to get up early. the big kids can get off to school on their own.
he did ask if anyone else was tongue tied, which we know of no one on either side of the family. he said it's usually a genetic thing, but not so very uncommon to not know family that have it.
so its a simple procedure, but I'm still asking for any prayers and thoughts to make this easier. pleeeeeeeeeeeease!

otherwise things are the same. didn't go to kung fu tonight as I got in right when the kids got off the bus so way too hectic to get right out the door to go. :P

Saturday, October 25, 2008

TAPS for the micro and all that jazz

checking in for a bit. dh is home this weekend the reason I'm not on here playing of course. he has to go back to AL on Monday again. he said they should only have one or two more weeks on this job.
we'll be going to the city tomorrow to go to Sams and take a BUNCH of stuff to goodwill (from switching out summer/winter stuff) and we're checking into some phone options for the family.

oh, we had to buy a new microwave today (thank goodness for good paychecks now) cause while fixing dinner Friday night, it went *ZAP!!!!!!!* while cooking up some broccoli! dead as a doornail! so we got a new one today the same size as our other (it had lasted us for 13 years BTW), and it looks great, sounds great, all that stuff... except one important thing... it doesn't COOK anything!!!! darn GE. doesn't even get anything warm for gosh sakes. so it goes back tomorrow!

the funniest thing though was Friday night, C wanted to fix himself a bowl of soup. he got ready to stick it in the micro, then realized he couldn't. so he looked at me like *hmmm?* and asked "what am I supposed to do?!" ROFLOL!!
so I had to explain that before there were microwaves people had to use the big thing called the stove! he felt goofy after about 2 seconds of saying what he did.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

 I wanted to update last night, but didnt get a chance and was too tired by the time everyone went to bed.
yesterday was... well, a day. the first part was fine, got in town for my WIC pickup, mom took the two boys and I just had Sarina. made things much easier.
C had called before I'd left to say his tummy was hurting and was wanting to come home. so before I picked up the boys, I picked up Canaan.
he ended up spending the rest of the day laying down or sleeping or being in the bathroom. geez, I hope it doesnt go around the house! I'd picked him up about 10:30 and there were already about 12 kids that had been picked up from sickness before him. :P

so the time at home was fine. when K and Gav got off the bus we loaded up (minus C) and went to karate practice. (they got to break boards last night!)
we had spaghetti for dinner to finish off some sauce I had opened up. always a hit in this house

as we were getting ready for bed though that's when it got interesting. Garrett was playing in the living room with Hunter and fell... on the small speaker that's in front of the tv... on the corner. imagine a perfect corner/right angle stabbing into your forehead and that's what Garrett got.
so after I got the bleeding stopped, my Sdad came over (we'd been trying to reach mom, but she was in the church for practice and we couldnt get through) to watch the little ones and C went with me to the ER.
it was already about 9:30 by this time.
G was calm by then as well, the wound was just seeping and I'd cleaned his face off cause seeing himself covered in blood made him cry harder (and of course caused more stress just being that way).
I'm very happy to say the staff was quick (and they werent busy) so we got in fast and out fast.
I thought for sure he'd need stitches to pull the skin back out and pull it together, but they were able to use dermabond and steri strips. he did SO well through it all too! never made a peep, just stared at the nurse fixing him up. totally surprised me!
we were heading home by 10:30. TY Lord!
it took him a while to go to sleep, but he slept well all night and only ended up taking off the bandaid that was over the work by this morning.
he's not complained of his head at all today, though he's been super whiney since he cracked his eyes open.
oh, and K and G missed the bus this morning cause C still wasnt feeling well. I reminded K that she does have an alarm clock. :P so my morning was even earlier to get them in town (and had to take Garrett with us cause they woke him up too).
I'm pooped. LOL
 I wanted to update last night, but didnt get a chance and was too tired by the time everyone went to bed.
yesterday was... well, a day. the first part was fine, got in town for my WIC pickup, mom took the two boys and I just had Sarina. made things much easier.
C had called before I'd left to say his tummy was hurting and was wanting to come home. so before I picked up the boys, I picked up Canaan.
he ended up spending the rest of the day laying down or sleeping or being in the bathroom. geez, I hope it doesnt go around the house! I'd picked him up about 10:30 and there were already about 12 kids that had been picked up from sickness before him. :P

so the time at home was fine. when K and Gav got off the bus we loaded up (minus C) and went to karate practice. (they got to break boards last night!)
we had spaghetti for dinner to finish off some sauce I had opened up. always a hit in this house

as we were getting ready for bed though that's when it got interesting. Garrett was playing in the living room with Hunter and fell... on the small speaker that's in front of the tv... on the corner. imagine a perfect corner/right angle stabbing into your forehead and that's what Garrett got.
so after I got the bleeding stopped, my Sdad came over (we'd been trying to reach mom, but she was in the church for practice and we couldnt get through) to watch the little ones and C went with me to the ER.
it was already about 9:30 by this time.
G was calm by then as well, the wound was just seeping and I'd cleaned his face off cause seeing himself covered in blood made him cry harder (and of course caused more stress just being that way).
I'm very happy to say the staff was quick (and they werent busy) so we got in fast and out fast.
I thought for sure he'd need stitches to pull the skin back out and pull it together, but they were able to use dermabond and steri strips. he did SO well through it all too! never made a peep, just stared at the nurse fixing him up. totally surprised me!
we were heading home by 10:30. TY Lord!
it took him a while to go to sleep, but he slept well all night and only ended up taking off the bandaid that was over the work by this morning.
he's not complained of his head at all today, though he's been super whiney since he cracked his eyes open.
oh, and K and G missed the bus this morning cause C still wasnt feeling well. I reminded K that she does have an alarm clock. :P so my morning was even earlier to get them in town (and had to take Garrett with us cause they woke him up too).
I'm pooped. LOL

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

we had a good day here though, stayed busy! we left here around 9:30 this morning. FIL hadnt left out yet, but we said our 'byes' cause he'd be gone before we got back.
grabbed some BK before getting to teh doc's office *yum!*

Sarina of course is a perfect baby. she's 19.9 lbs and 28", HC is 17.5", so everything is on the exact same curve with her now. the doc was a *bit* concerned that her weight has just gone straight up over the last few months instead of showing a wee bit of slacking off signs. (she didnt mention it, I asked about it). I'm thinking it may mostly be from where I put her in bed with me at night after she waked around 2 and just let her suck and sleep for however long. obviously she gets plenty of calories from that. :)
her ears are perfect (a question I asked since she's always pulling her ears. I'd hoped it was just from 'finding' them and it is). she's hit all her milestones for things she should be doing as well.
the only issue is her tongue. I mentioned the slight fork at the tip of her tongue and the doc wants her to be looked at JIC. she doesnt think it will cause her any problems since she's now nursing well and can eat solids fine, but wants a specialist to give it a look to make sure it wont give problems later on in life. so I'll call back tomorrow for that appt. hopefully it wont even be an issue and we'll have no worries with it.

stopped at a couple of thrift stores on teh way back then got my shop done. got home and had time to get a bit of lunch for the kids and I before K adn G got off the bus. they got off the bus about 4:15 and we were back out the door by 4:40 to go pick up C at football and head to karate class. we were 6 minutes late (started at 5). I was in such a rush I actually forgot my purse!
thankfully I had enough gas to get back home (and back to town) cause I'd been up poop creek otherwise! LOL!

Garrett was sent to bed just after 8. :( he's been SUCH a handfull lately. I need to pull out my journals to find out when this stage passes. and for the record, Hunter was sent to bed early as well cause he's coming in a close 2nd in the race for Royal Booger between the two.

still gotta get my shower in
tomorrow's Thursday! woo!! that means dh will be home soon! TG! :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

my oldest 3 are back in school today. its pretty quiet here in the house right now. Sarina is still snoozing (though don't know how long that'll last since G is wide awake and in full form). G's already pooped on the pot this morning, Hunter has already tried taking a toy away from him. I still need to get on the treadmill. FIL is off to the city to get some more things done today.
I picked up a huge bag of free clothes from the karate studio last night (for Garrett). she was giving it all away. after class FIL took us to eat at Captain Ds.
after getting home we ended up watching the ballgame last night.
I went to bed by 10 and finished
the book
I was reading by 2 am. I'm tired today, but it was worth it.

today we're going to skip all classes and practices after school to just hang out with FIl since he'll be leaving out in the morning and the kids likely wont see him again til Christmas. not sure what I'll fix for dinner yet.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

so FIL came in on Friday evening (didn't he? dang, I don't remember! maybe it was Saturday afternoon? LOL) and we've been hanging out all weekend. we didn't go to church today even. felt weird. LOL!
yesterday was pretty low key. dh got up with me and we went yard saleing. didn't find a whole lot, but he did score a pressure washer he's been wanting a very long time. seems we always spend a whole lot more when he goes with us... same as the grocery store! LOL! so he'll be eating sandwiches all week since he spent his per diem money on that. its a nice one though, and now we don't have to look at spending twice as much on a new one.

the kids and I have been playing with the yard play stuff I picked up for $1 a couple weeks ago! K and I have been playing badmitten like crazy and I count it towards my exercise points for the challenge. even HER arms are sore!

oh, the biggest news of the weekend has got to be that Sarina is actually starting to eat solids now! um... she loves bread. I know, I know, bad mommy! LOL! K and I were lunching on Friday and S kept wanting my sandwich, so I gave her a nibble of bread and YUM she ate and ate! I was awed to say the least! this from the girl who always gags, makes lemon faces and clamps her lips tight at any sign of solids!
so later I let her try some more peas and she ate about 1/4 a stage one jar! wow! Saturday she ate another 1/4, a bit less today (rice cereal... even with a pinch of sugar in it... was still a yuck). she's been getting nibbles off my plate though. today we lunched at fazolis and she had a few small pieces of spaghetti. and of course, bread.
she makes a TOTAL mess while eating though! I can see she's going to be like K was for years (til just recently!) and leave a mess wherever she eats. LOL!

the kids have enjoyed FIL being home of course. Garrett knows him and calls him Papaw for now and of course adores his semi parked out in the drive! Sarina is not so fond of it, he blew the horns and she immediately let her lip fall out and burst into tears! took forever to get her to quit too! is that the little girl part of her??

dh goes back to AL in the morning. *sniff* been nice with him home. FIL will be here til Wednesday I think, then he goes back to PA. the kids go back to school on Tuesday and Wednesday is S's 6m appt. not to mention karate each night. so at least we wont be bored.

ok, I'm sure there's more, but I haven't written notes down this weekend. I do have Sarina's 6m pics uploading, though I may post them tomorrow. my eyes are hurting tonight.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sarina is a regular ol' fussy butt today! she eats, she's fussy, she sleeps, she's fussy, she plays, she's fussy. that girl needs a happy pill! she's in the exersaucer right now fussing off and on, but ok.
when I tried to see if she'd eat some cereal around lunch it was like OMG, how DARE you try that! LOL! this girl is not in any way shape or form into solids.  oh well.

the kids will be home in just a little while! maybe I'll get Katlyn to take baby sister ;)
so dh had to leave out about 4 this morning. he's going to have to get used to that again. he'll be home tonight, but believes they want him to go to ... AL (I think) for next week. the kids will be on fall break then too so that kinda stinks. I think he went back to work a week early. but no football practice next week either, so the week should be pretty laid back.

my legs are so very sore from my running yesterday! like when I first started exercising sore. I still did my workout this morning though. I had a good drop on the scale this morning so that boosted my confidence! I'm able to up the reps on almost all the exercises I do as well, so I'm getting stronger!

not much on the agenda today besides the normal. its chilly in here! oh, C does have a football game tonight at the school. I'm going to see if I can make that for him.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I did my walking/running outside today! and its rather brisk out there so my lungs were burning afterwards.
ya know what irks me though? my digital scales aren't changing, but my dial scales are. what's up with that?? very irritating! my measurements are changing though, so I know I'm dropping stuff besides sweat.