had a good day, it was gorgeous out there again, clear blue skies! dh and Canaan mowed the yard for probably the last time this year. dh brought in all the kids clothes tubs for me and I went through everything. everything. wow. everything.

Katlyn still has to go through the shelf that has all her pants/jeans on it cause she claims she has next to no pants/jeans that fit, so tomorrow we will see.

so doing that took up pretty much ALL of my afternoon, not to mention I washed two loads of what we kept to make sure there were no critters in them.

Garrett finished his pears happily tonight so I let him try some sweet taters.

that was his reaction.

so I'll let him try a bit tomorrow to see if it goes over any better, if not, I'll be freezing what we have left for later.

I do think we're in the midst of teething grouchiness now. the tops of his lower gums are starting to push upwards. *sigh* he doesnt mind me looking around there at all either, strange kid LOL! he's got a white area that has consistently stayed where it is, but its over where his left canine/2nd incisor would be, so I'm guessing its nothing. though Gavin did get his top canines before his top 2nd incisors so he looked like a little vampire for a while.

(thank goodness, the dryer shut off!)
Garrett was up once last night at 4:15 and back to bed by 5 (I almost fell asleep in the recliner LOL) then up just after 7. he was tired today and took a good nap by 3 this afternoon. I probably should have given him a teething tablet before putting him down....
thanks for all the pic love! I get cracked up at that pic of hunter. gosh that is SUCH a classic 'uh oh' look on him!! LOL!! I felt bad for him today after sunday school cause he was upset that he didnt get the quiet seat prize.

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