Wednesday, January 10, 2007

new milestone!

new milestone! he can go from crawl to sit by himself now! 
he showed me tonight while crawling into the kitchen. he didn't want to go in cause the floor was cold, so he sat up to just view stuff! I kept watching him and one look he was cocked over on one butt cheek and my next look he was sitting! :D I told dh "he sat up on his own!" dh said "he's been doing it" (since he was watching him do it and I missed it LOL! ).

on the bad side, this boy's not slept much today, at all! he wont sleep once he's laid down. hope that's not a bad omen for tonight. he's getting harder and harder to lay down. I remember it being like this with the other kids too as they reached 7 months and later since they were mobile and doing stuff, it gets harder. *ugh*

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