Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I've been spoiled the last few mornings with S sleeping in so well. gosh, its goign to break my heart when she has a bad night.
our weather was GORGEOUS today I love this weather!
tomorrow is my next chiro appt plus I need to make a stop at hobby lobby and the mighty dollar.
thursday after school, C's band is trying out for the talent show. I plan on going, hoping my mom can go with me to wrangle kids. they're playing "Gotta Be Somebody" by nickelback. wish them luck!
Gavin had a 'bad' day cause some twerp kid stole both of his backugan's out of his backpack. I could tell he was upset when he got in the truck today and when I asked him what was wrong he broke down crying. my poor little man, having to learn that not everyone is nice.
K and H both had upset tummies today. ugh, i do not want another bug in the house!

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