good evening! I NEED to get in bed, but wanted to drop these off first. some pics from today: (click to make larger)
nursing baby. he's got a LOT of blond highlights in his hair, especially in the back. I think he'll have the same color hair as Hunter, which is a dark blond/very light brown color (no matter how dark it looks in the 2nd and 3rd pics below ). Garrett may get wavy though.

at the ball field, waiting for big brother to get done

later at my moms. the kids helped my parents out in the yard. the 2nd pic is Canaan driving the tractor and papaw is on the back.

it was a good day, got to hit a yard sale, found some stuff for K (she wasn't in the pics cause she stayed with a friend last night). C had ball practice for a couple hours (which we were almost late for! I woke at 8:24 and he had to be there at 9! we got there at 9:04). after that we went to my moms and stayed the rest of the day. dh didn't get home til around 8 as did Katlyn.
nursing baby. he's got a LOT of blond highlights in his hair, especially in the back. I think he'll have the same color hair as Hunter, which is a dark blond/very light brown color (no matter how dark it looks in the 2nd and 3rd pics below ). Garrett may get wavy though.

at the ball field, waiting for big brother to get done

later at my moms. the kids helped my parents out in the yard. the 2nd pic is Canaan driving the tractor and papaw is on the back.

it was a good day, got to hit a yard sale, found some stuff for K (she wasn't in the pics cause she stayed with a friend last night). C had ball practice for a couple hours (which we were almost late for! I woke at 8:24 and he had to be there at 9! we got there at 9:04). after that we went to my moms and stayed the rest of the day. dh didn't get home til around 8 as did Katlyn.
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