he can hold his own bottle when he wants and as of today has started scooting himself backwards! *eek!*

have had a good couple of days, complete with good sleep.

hit some yard sales too. found Garrett some 12-18m stuff for the winter, and the 12m stuff for now too. also found him an adorable pair of soft Nike tenni shoes for $1. so cute! got him a new bedding set for $4. Noah's ark kind, with beige and blues and interactive soft animals on the bumper and head board cover. neato! found a few things that'll be saved for stocking stuffers come Christmas as well.

didn't do much of anything else today. dh went out of town early this morning and will be back about Wednesday. we got in some good alone time last night.

I also put up the PNP tonight. WOW, the room I've got in my room now!

tomorrow after church we'll be going to see my sis finally! looking forward to that.

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